Assalamualaikum :)
Tak terfikir nak log in and update blog ni balik. Haih *tiup debu* Hahaha, well hi! I actually have nothing to be type here. Look at my """new""" blog. So lameee but I like it. Cause simple defines me. My new blog link! Hahaha. Somehow I feel wanting to update this blog and share something with you people though I know no one knows my blog exists. Hahaha, nvm. But I'm lack of ideas, heh.
Well, I'm a teenager and I have lots of thing to learn because living in this Earth have so much dugaan and maybe something would happen that you never expected it to happen. People said that this teen years are the most tough time in life. Maybe, 'cause I'm still growing up and learning. Hmm, do you guys have your first love yet? I have. Hehe. Well, everyone wants their first love story to be like a Cinderella story. Happily ever after, the guy/girl we fell in love with also fell in love with us, right? Okay, I'm gonna share a little bit about my first love haha.
My first love story is quite sad somehow. One of my wish is being married to my first love. Since I already have now, I don't think so I'm going to be his wife in future heh. I love him so much but he never realized that. I'm like syok sendiri you know. He approached me few times (too happy at the moment!:D) but then not anymore. I want to talk to him, approach him first but unfortunately I'm not a brave person. I don't have any courage to face him and even to face-to-face with him also I'm scared and nervous!! Sometimes I'm disappointed with myself. Well imagine guys, whenever I saw him from far away, I already feel nervous. If he's nearer? I never looked at him 'cause I'm afraid and yes I feel I wanna slap my own face for being such a stupid person. But what can I do? That's me and it's hard for me to change.
Fyi, my first love is the first person who makes me drowned into sadness and frustration. Takde orang pun yang pernah buat I sesedih macam dia. I never felt this horrible. Well actually, I have a special relationship with him a few years ago. Not a boyfriend-girlfriend type. But we were really closed and because of my stupidness and had an unmatured thinking that time had made me lose him.
He the one who made me cry for no reasons, get frustrated, annoyed and so on. I hate that I fell in love with him. I just wished that I never met him at the first place. 'Cause move on is hard. I always tried to move on. But it is the hardest thing I've ever tried. And because of that, I surrendered and I just go with the flow. I trusted that Allah SWT has the best plan for me and He knows the best. Kalau ada jodoh tak ke mana, kalau takde for sure yang lebih baik akan muncul, right? :) Be patient 'cause that what will lead you to success :)
The conclusion is, ini semua dugaan from Him to make us more stronger and more patient in life. No matter how hard, how sad it is, just be grateful 'cause there are many people who suffers more thougher dugaan than we. Enjoy your life and be happy 'cause you only live once. All the sadness and frustrations are part of life. No worries 'cause in the end, happiness and success will meet you. The most important thing is, have strong faith in Allah SWT because He is the AlMighty.
Thanks for spending your time here, assalamualaikum :)
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