Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hello. I'm back.

Finally, I'm home! Feels so good to be home. Btw last night I bought three books and finished one of the books on the same night haha. That's what happened when you love books so much.

Okay........ so idk what to type here. Hm talking about school, everything just so fucked up lately. I'm starting to hate everything about the school. All. You know what, the rules of the school are getting weirder and harder. I know rules are needed to control the school. But this time, its too much. Oh come on. Other schools that achieved great results in academics only have ordinary rules and not that strict like this school. I don't get why my school works like that. I seriously don't understand. They are making the school gets more complicated and the students are dying. Ugh.

Next is about my own bestfriend at the school. My own dormmate. Idk...... she ruined everything. She ruined our relationship, our friendship. Yes, I'm angry. I really am. And you need to know, once I get mad, it's hard and took a long time before I could forgive you and stuffs. I rarely get angry to my friends. And even if I am, I try to be patient and not showing that I'm angry. But this time, I can't hold my anger anymore. Enough of me being patient. I am sorry. But I am not able to be hypocrite and saying its okay im fine blablabla no. Just no. This time is too much. I will forgive you but not now. Maybe in some time...... i dont even know. Just pray that God opens my heart to forgive you in this short time. 

Yeah. I am really having a hard time. And I'm trying my best not to follow the stress and be strong. I know these are all God's tests for me. I know I'm strong and I can face all this. Ya Allah, strengthen my Imaan and my heart towards you, ameen. 


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Comeback Post

Hello everyone 

It seems has been like 2 years I did not update this blog. Wow, how time flies so fast. The last time was in 2012 right? Hm. I have thousands of story to tell here but I am not sure if I have enough time. Haha. I gotta tell you guys that I'm not in my previous school anymore. I've moved on to Seseri, KL since last year. Yes, I got the offer and I'm happy to be here though there are some parts of this school that I hate.

Too many things to tell here about this school. Let me start with the rules we have here in Seseri. I swear it has the weirdest and complicated rules ever. Firstly, you have to use fork and spoon whenever you are eating. It is an excuse if the food is kuih, roti canai, sandwich etc. We are the only school that use it. Next, there is no dustbin in the class or even in the whole school. There is, but only at the canteen. If you have any rubbish, keep it to yourself or put in your pocket and throw it away once you go down the hostel. Yeah, just so you know we have the cleanest principal ever. Well just take it as positive thing. It is an all girls school so it has to be clean. 
Actually I am so lazy to write about the school so shall we leave it here? Ok dah bye.

Next is I want to share with you guys my experiences being in asis for 3 days and 2 nights. Ok first of all many of us hate it when we were informed that we can't go back for our pb bcos we have to be in asis. I was imagining how they were, their attitudes and so on bcos before this I've been hearing negative stuffs about them.

So 17 January. The day had arrived
arrived. When we first went into their school we were half shocked bcos their school looked like a village with banana trees and bushes and plants everywhere
ehere. Then we got out of the bus, took our bags and we saw many of their students standing at the balcony. Somehow I felt nervous and shy hahhahahaha bcos you know I'm in all girls school and then suddenly been surrounded by those boys.. Hahaha. 

Then yadayadayada all of us were divided into groups. My first impression with the boys in my group was they were all good looking. And of course everyone was shy and awkward at first. Our group name is Monstar hahaha. One of the facilitators asked "what? Pornstar?!" oh my god hahaha no way we were going to named our group that kind of name. I just love my group bcos alhamdulillah in every activities we did we managed to succeed. One of the activities that I will never  forget was explorace ala ala runningman. So our.mission for that day was to find the spies. One boy and one girl. FYI the spies didn't even know that they were spies. The first clue we got was the size of clothes both spies wore. The boy wore S size while the girl wore M size. The clue was too general right. There was a station where a member of my group had to answered the timetable correctly or all of us will be splashed with water + flour. And yes we did get splashed.. Hahaha I wasn't angry in fact I think it was cool. So we got another clue which was food.  Okay let me tell you straight. The spies was Qayyum and ME. hahhahahaha even I can't believe it. I knew that was me when our group got the next clue which was the address of both spies. I was double shocked to see my own address gahh hahaha. But in the end everyone knew I was the spy and the girls ripped off my wristband until my fingers were bleeding. Hahhahahaha I was okay bcos that was definitely one of the best memories I had there. And guess what? I was the emcee with Sheikh for the last event of this programme. It was totally cool and fun to get along with sheikh. Nice and fun guy he is.

 Hmm the saddest part was goodbye. It was hard to leave them actually (for me) bcos they were all kind, fun and manly I shall say. It was really a memorable one for me. I miss all of them and I really wish that all of us can meet up again someday.. I just love the bond between us though we managed to know each other for 3 days only. The most touching moment for me when the bus started to move, all of them clapped that Tepuk-Tepuk Kasih Sayang. I felt like crying bcos you can felt that they appreciated you so yeah. You guys are missed.

Okay. I guess I typed too long haha. With that I rest my post. 


Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'm blessed.

Haaaiii sumeeeeeee :)

How's life? Mine's great! I feel like sejak kebelakangan ni lebih happy daripada biasa. Hehe. I'm here just to talk about random things. I never specify what I want to post here. 

Hm. Ok let me share something.

From my previous post, I shared about someone that I love, right? Fyi, I've take a decision to move on. (kenapa aku rasa drama gila ni weh?! haha) Why? Many reasons behind the decision. Let me keep the reasons to myself, okay? :) I've always wanna be over him but I can't. This time, I were really serious and I know I can. Idk why but I felt easier to get over him. Yes. Memanglah mula-mula tu rasa mcm ni sikitlah ayoo taktau nak explain. Faham-faham sendirilah ye hehe. Then lama-lama I realized I am much lesser to think about him. In my mind, he's not like before. Kalau dulu, dia selalu ada in my mind, in my heart. Cewah. But now, not anymore. I'm so blessed! Alhamdulillah. I'm not saying that I'm 100% over him but yes I will. Soon baby sooonnnn!! InsyaAllah. I did this is all for my own good. Apa tu orang cakap? Hamba cinta? Yes. I don't wanna be that "hamba cinta". 

Now God shows that He is Maha Adil. After all these heartaches etc He gave me something that worth it. Orang kata kadang-kadang Allah SWT tarik someone yg kita suka bcos He wants to replace him/her with someone better. Okay let me share with you. 

I have a crush on this one guy. Since I was in form 2. The guy yg in my previous post just now was my love. I repeat. WAS. And the guy yang I nak cerita sekarang ni is my crush. You get me or not? Love and crush are two different things okay. So my crush ni yes he's handsome and have his own fans (and im one of the fans hehe). Idk he is soooo damn attractiveeee!! And I got some news from my friend saying that HE.ALSO.HAS.A.CRUSH.ON.ME. damn damn this is shit ahahahaha lol no it's just hard to believe guyssss!!!! I'm sooooooo exciteddddd hahaha but idk whether this is true. Yknow what. If it is true, sumpah I'm the most blessful, fortunate, blithesome person on earth!! Yes, he often talking to his friend about me. This means he knew me all this while! Lol I thought I'm the only one yg syok sendiri. You know why? From his outlook, he looks so sombong, berlagak and so on. He has a heartless face. From my opinion lah. I just can't believe this. s i g h. 

Nampak tak apa yang I nak share dgn you guys? Lepas semua sakit hati I dengan "love" I tu, He gave me someone pulak dekat I. Hahaha I'm so blessed and grateful. Really. :)

That's all. Goodbye! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Motivation, maybe?

Assalamualaikum :)

Tak terfikir nak log in and update blog ni balik. Haih *tiup debu* Hahaha, well hi! I actually have nothing to be type here. Look at my """new""" blog. So lameee but I like it. Cause simple defines me. My new blog link! Hahaha. Somehow I feel wanting to update this blog and share something with you people though I know no one knows my blog exists. Hahaha, nvm. But I'm lack of ideas, heh.

Well, I'm a teenager and I have lots of thing to learn because living in this Earth have so much dugaan and maybe something would happen that you never expected it to happen. People said that this teen years are the most tough time in life. Maybe, 'cause I'm still growing up and learning. Hmm, do you guys have your first love yet? I have. Hehe. Well, everyone wants their first love story to be like a Cinderella story. Happily ever after, the guy/girl we fell in love with also fell in love with us, right? Okay, I'm gonna share a little bit about my first love haha. 

My first love story is quite sad somehow. One of my wish is being married to my first love. Since I already have now, I don't think so I'm going to be his wife in future heh. I love him so much but he never realized that. I'm like syok sendiri you know. He approached me few times (too happy at the moment!:D) but then not anymore. I want to talk to him, approach him first but unfortunately I'm not a brave person. I don't have any courage to face him and even to face-to-face with him also I'm scared and nervous!! Sometimes I'm disappointed with myself. Well imagine guys, whenever I saw him from far away, I already feel nervous. If he's nearer? I never looked at him 'cause I'm afraid and yes I feel I wanna slap my own face for being such a stupid person. But what can I do? That's me and it's hard for me to change.

Fyi, my first love is the first person who makes me drowned into sadness and frustration. Takde orang pun yang pernah buat I sesedih macam dia. I never felt this horrible. Well actually, I have a special relationship with him a few years ago. Not a boyfriend-girlfriend type. But we were really closed and because of my stupidness and had an unmatured thinking that time had made me lose him. 

He the one who made me cry for no reasons, get frustrated, annoyed and so on. I hate that I fell in love with him. I just wished that I never met him at the first place. 'Cause move on is hard. I always tried to move on. But it is the hardest thing I've ever tried. And because of that, I surrendered and I just go with the flow. I trusted that Allah SWT has the best plan for me and He knows the best. Kalau ada jodoh tak ke mana, kalau takde for sure yang lebih baik akan muncul, right? :) Be patient 'cause that what will lead you to success :)

The conclusion is, ini semua dugaan from Him to make us more stronger and more patient in life. No matter how hard, how sad it is, just be grateful 'cause there are many people who suffers more thougher dugaan than we. Enjoy your life and be happy 'cause you only live once. All the sadness and frustrations are part of life. No worries 'cause in the end, happiness and success will meet you. The most important thing is, have strong faith in Allah SWT because He is the AlMighty. 

Thanks for spending your time here, assalamualaikum :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi, assalamualaikum! Sungguh lama tak jenguk blog. Being so busy with my life sampai url blog sendiri pun dah lupa! Hahah. Okay adalah yang menanyakan aku "Kenapa tak online Facebook?" Okay macam ni. Aku online laaa. Tapi online sekejap jelah. Setakat tengok home, notif, requests jelah. Pastu logout. Then destination yang seterusnya ialahhh *roll drums* Twitter!! Kalau nak cari aku, cari dekat Twitter k @fatihahfatihah *pui bajet artiss. 

Takde apa pun post aku yang satu ni. Saja nak bagitau yang blog ni masih hidup walaupun dah nyawa-nyawa ikan. Hehe okay hampa macam mana sekarang ni? Great? Messy? Tepuk dada tanya otak. My life has been great. Sedih-sedih, tension-tension tu perkara biasalah. That's half of life. And it's part of growing up too. 

Okay kalian semua itu motivasi seminit ye. Hahaha don't lemah-lemah semangat okay. Life is too short to be sad. 'Cause when you being sad, you won't see the beauty of life. So, smile, enjoy and live your life! ;)

Bye kalian semua. Jaga diri. :)

p/s : I bet no one knows my blog is updateedd! lol

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hi, assalamualaikum! Rindu tak? Ehem k. Post last saya was 26th January 2012. Dah 3 bulan dah tak post apa-apa. Tak tau ke saya ni busy 24/7?! Hahah no. Perasaan malas dan tiada idea untuk berblogging telah menyelubungi diriku ini. Oh parah. 

So saya tengah exam sekarang ni. Exam UP1. Alhamdulillah, setakat ni semuanya okey. Entahlah resultnya acane. I hope for the best! InsyaAllah. Okay saya sebenarnya takde benda nak type and saya type entah apa je yang keluar dari otak saya. 

Since I'm one of the PMR candidates for 2012, bahang ketensionan sudah mula meresap ke dalam jiwa. Dan initidakadiltidakadilbagikuuuu~ Dan bagi sesiapa yang se-geng dengan saya. Well, firstly jangan nak ikut sangat tension tu. Kalau dah tau tension, do things that will reduce your tension. Kasi relax sikit otak tu. Set your mind yang tension ni semualah dugaan for you to get a brighter future. Mana ada benda yang senang-senang je nak dapat kan? Kalau nak senang, kena susah dulu. Tau kenapa kena rasa susah dulu baru senang? Sebab bila kita dah rasa susah, kita akan hargai masa senang kita. And that susah moment is an experience. 

So conclusion is jangan tension-tension. Setiap masalah ada jalan dan setiap yang berlaku ada hikmah. 


Thursday, January 26, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. Hi, how's life people? Me? Alhamdulilah, everything's fine. Kan CNY, so sekolah dapat cuti seminggu! Memang best, tapi damn homework eh tak tak assignment banyak gila :( Hari ni dah Jumaat. Still ada yang tak siap. Tapi yang sikit-sikit jelah. 

Bila dah asyik mengadap buku je, ewah takdelah asyik. Still onl jugak Twitter, Facebook. Soo, me and Nina spend hari Rabu tu buat chocolate cake. Well, this was my idea. Bila bagitau dekat ibu, ibu cakap "Benda lain tak reti masak, tiba-tiba nak buat kek pulak." Hahaha ala takpaaa. First time ni! Firstly ingat nak buat cupcakes. Tapi sapa nak makan aising punya banyak macam tu. So buat chocolate cake jelah. 

Nina dah beli barang semua. Hmm, maklumlah first time kan buat kek. Haru jugaklahh kannn. HAHAHA, but alhamdulilah, menjadi dan not bad kek kami tu. Sorry no photos of our cake will be uploaded. Seriously, malas gileww. 

Ehem~ Meh sini nak buat pengumuman sikit. Well, I'm officially in a relationship with Harry Styles. Please note. And we planned to get engaged and then married and have beautiful and handsome children. Please be jelly. I love him so much and same goes to him. <3 Pray for our happiness okay? :') 

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OMG teruknyaaaaa. Please don't take it serious!! Okbyeeee